Welcome to Adapt for Life!

We help young people lead healthy lives and become mentally fit. We visit schools to talk with students about mental health, teach them important life skills, and offer resources they can use to help themselves and others. 

I'm Family

We’re here to help you help your child thrive. Parenting comes with its own host of challenges—even on good days. All of that becomes even more challenging when caring for a child with mental illness or struggling with a mental health condition. Our family resources can help you become more informed on mental health and help you understand what family members can do to support.

I'm a Student

This very important journey to “becoming you” will have ups and downs. It’s okay to not feel okay, but we want you to know you are not alone. like you’re alone. That’s why we designed Adapt for Life—to support you in helping yourself and others cope with stress, reduce suffering, and lead healthier, happier lives. Explore the student section for mindfulness exercises, personal stories, videos, and more. 

I'm an Educator

We’re here to help you help your students. Teachers today aren’t just responsible for educating students. You are a consistent presence in students’ lives and have a critical role in identifying and supporting their wellness. We have materials that guide you on what to look for if a student is struggling with mental health. Our resources also help you talk with students and their families about mental health.   

Tell me about:

1N5’s mission is to promote optimal mental health for all Greater Cincinnati area youth through stigma reduction, community outreach, education and programming, policy and advocacy, and measurement and data. 1N5 helps schools create individualized, long-term mental health education programs that foster supportive environments for students, staff, families, and community members.